Thursday, 29 November 2012

Film Shots

  1. Title and Pan up to bridge
  2. AJ looking at Photo
  3. Ripping up photo p1
  4. Ripping up photo p2
  5. Tossing paper into river
  6. Looking down at hand
  7. Taking off ring
  8. Looking at ring and throwing into river
  9. Ring falling into river
  10. Man walking away p1
  11. Man walking away p2 and ring coming back up
  12. Man turning round
  13. Ring on the bridge
  14. Man suspicious and walk over to ring
  15. Picks up ring
  16. Looks at it and then at river
  17. Ring falling over side of bridge again and man looking over
  18. Man reflection in river and RM jumping out of river
  19. RM landing on bridge and man stumbling back p1
  20. Man stumbling back p2
  21. RM head cocking
  22. Man walking over to RM p1
  23. Man walking over to RM p2
  24. RM falling back into river
  25. Man running over to bridge p1
  26. Man running over to bridge p2
  27. View of river from bridge
  28. Man running from bridge p1
  29. Man running from bridge p2
  30. Man running along river
  31. Man stops at river wall
  32. Man looking frantically for RM
  33. RM appears near man
  34. Closer shot and RM walking towards man p1
  35. Close up of man
  36. RM walking towards man p2
  37. Man and RM (from behind RM)
  38. RM shows ring
  39. Ring in RM hand
  40. Shocked man goes to take ring
  41. Shot of their hands together
  42. Far away shot of both characters
  43. Man snatches hand back, scratches head
  44. RM smiles and rummages through sleeve
  45. Confused man
  46. RM pulls out photo, lifts p1
  47. Lifts photo p2
  48. Man shocked goes to take photo p1
  49. Man takes photo p2
  50. Touches photo
  51. Smiles at RM
  52. RM smiles back and walks away
  53. Man looks on at RM
  54. RM walking away far off shot
  55. Man smiles then takes notice of left hand
  56. Raises left hand and opens it (ring on finger)
  57. Shocked at first then smiles again and turns to walk back to bridge
  58. Walking back close view
  59. Walking over bridge

Test Animations

A test animation of the second shot:

Done in Flash to see how the animation would pan out. I wanted to try animating hair blowing in the wind.

Colour Quicktime Test. (The colours look brighter than they should be because of the upload).

The film will however be done in flash as PS takes far too long and is rather fiddly to colour.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Animatic 3

Slightly changed version, added some more motions to the story, but the timing still seems quick, so I'll adjust that and neaten the lines ready for animation.

Final Concepts

Here are the colours for my characters and the surrounding landscape.

River Man in 'river' form.

AJ and RM (human)

General Background colours.

Colours blurred to add more focus to the characters.

Ring design.

Colours and patterns for bridge.

AJ looking at photograph v.1

AJ looking at photograph v.2

AJ and RM in 'river' form.

Refined bridge and landscape design. (Note: These aren't the proper colours as the line drawing of the bridge is a scan and it came out dark, so the shot looks darker and greyer than it should.) 

Bridge vector and colours.

Bridge and landscape without lines showing proper colouring.

RM heads and fins.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Sound Effects List

Sound Effects for Nathan
  • River water running/rippling
  • Birds singing
  • Trees rustling
  • Wing blowing
  • Card ripping
  • Clothes shuffling/Coat
  • Average Joe breathing heavy
  • Paper fluttering
  • Water splashes (plop for ring (two versions) and big splash for Riverman falling into river (three versions))
  • Footsteps on bridge (walking and running) and feet shuffles
  • Ring ‘clink’ on bridge
  • Water falling on bridge from Riverman

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Jordan Businessman Concept Sketches

Last week, Jordan and the rest of the pre-production team working on his film had a sit down with the tutors and we went over the character design for the businessman in Jordan's film. After a chat, we decided that it would be best to re-design him to something less 'Boss-like' and turn him into something more 'Employee-like'. So I suggested something along the lines of 'Paperman' (Disney's newest 2D/3D animated film) and have done some sketches for Jordan to work from.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Animatic 2

I had quite a bit of trouble with rendering this out until I had some help from Tom ( ) and managed to render it out in AE. We did however mis-judge the time, so there is a black screen for a minute on the end.

I will just make a couple more changes to the story then make a clean version. That will be the last animatic I'll upload as I want to get into animating the film properly now, and any changes that come along will be made during production if necessary. This animatic doesn't reflect the updated synopsis as I haven't added the new shots that need to go in. 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

River Reference Videos

River References Photos

I went out and took some photos and videos of rivers and streams that I thought would help Leanne ( ) with the river effects. I also thought it would help L Clay ( ) with the layouts.

^ Panoramic View ^

Friday, 9 November 2012

River Man Title Example

Here's a quick test of how I want the title of my film to look. The background (as it starts) will be a view of the surface of the river flowing, then the title, which the font will be elegant and caligraphic, will ripple effect into the shot, then fade out after a few seconds. This isn't the final design of it, as I hope to make the title in After Effects and the background/river will not be a photograph.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Palette Colour Tests

I've been experimenting with the colours of the panels and what sort of mood I want for my film.

Using the stock photos and the ones I took myself, I made up two sets of colours that I really like. One is quite bold and rich with colour and tones, while the other is more dull and flat. Personally, I quite like the flat colour one because it doesn't give the impression that it's a unsettling or eerie mood, neither does it set a sad and depressing one. With that in mind, the bold colour one kind of disregards cliché weather moods. I will get some feedback on these, and see what they think suits the film best.

Bold Colours. (Sunny)

Flat Dull colours. (Misty)

Changed the hair colours.

Adjusted the filter.

Slightly brighter but no shadows.

Grey filter.

Colour Palettes for possible lighting effects on the river and wall. I think that the sun in this concept is little too strong and I personally don't think it would work with the story and the mood. 

Below is an aerial view of what I want my layout to look like. It's a basic plan, and I will draw the other side later on. But I have also coloured it using one of the stock photos I took from the internet to see what it would look like, however, I don't think that I will necessarily use those colours exactly as I think it looks a bit too dark. 



Colour Hue on top.

AJ and RM designs with colour.

River Man form.

Background Colour palette. I thought that I would keep the backgrounds simple and make them brighter, so I used this image: and took the basic colours to create a cut out background that I will use in the shots. 

Blurred (for focus on the characters).

Slight colour change to the characters.

Adding contrast.

Final RM colours

Final Colours (flat).

I slightly changed the saturation of the landscape colours so that they do not appear too bold or bright, as I am going for a dull day. Here shown are the bridge and grass colours as well. 

Proposed (no pun intended) ring design. I may consider asking a CG modeller to make this so as animating will be considerably easier...however, it would look out of place...I'll have a think on it. Watch this space...

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Bridge and Landscape Inspiration

I have found some really nice pictures by others that give the feel of what I want my film to have in it.